American Concrete Construction, Inc.

Who We Are
American Concrete Construction Inc. (ACCI) has focused on quality projects and adaptability in concrete contracting since April 2000, under the leadership of Scott Niemitalo, president and owner. ACCI is a turnkey concrete contractor with typical scopes including footings and foundations, slabs on grade, tilt-wall construction, and exterior concrete paving. ACCI specializes in industrial concrete floor construction (Superflat “F-Min” floors, joint-free steel fiber reinforced concrete, and shake hardened floors). By delivering quality projects and beating schedules, ACCI has fortified strong business relationships with general contractors and developers. ACCI is a six-time winner of the FACE Companies Golden Trowel Award, one of which is the highest F-numbers ever achieved. Most recently in 2018, ACCI placed the world’s flattest dragstrip in Dinwiddie, V.A. for Virginia Motorsports Park, with all four tire lanes exceeding FF 100. Achieving high-quality floors with projects such as this starts with unseen things such as mix design reviews, which Niemitalo takes seriously. Niemitalo recognizes that the success of ACCI in this economy is having the best team in the business and focusing on the retention of those key team members. ACCI raises the bar for concrete contractors by doing things safer, faster, and with unmatched quality.​

Services We Offer

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Tilt-up Walls
A more Cost Effective, Faster & Safer way to Install concrete walls. Also produces Less Waste and has a Lower Environmental Impact.
Drag Strips
We are the 2018 World Record Holders for:
'Somero Laser Screed Dragstrip'
category achieved at
Virginia Motorsports Park
(Ff 142.3 / Fl 135.8)
Dry-Shake Concrete Toppings
Efficient. Reliable. Exceptional.

Never Settle for anything else other than the Best Support for your Foundations.
Interior Floor Slab
It’s All in the Details:
-Smooth Trowel
-High Tolerance Super-Flat Floor
-Interior Slabs on Deck
-Shored Elevated Slabs
-Topping Slabs
Exterior Concrete Paving
Of all foundation-types, slabs require the least amount of maintenance, adding to their pricing value.
Contact Us
P.O. BOX 4940 ARCHDALE, NC 27360
Main: (336) 434-3395
Fax: (336) 434-0817